Focus on the significant projects

We will tackle the non-performing loans


Many creditors and suppliers face difficulties when collecting overdue receivables, which causes financial instability and deprives them of fresh resources and real income.


We acquire secured and unsecured debt portfolios from banks, non-banking financial institutions, telecoms and utility providers.


Liquidity improvement, cash flow acceleration, provisions release, financial stability.

Unsecured debts

Our experience in purchasing and management of unsecured portfolios started upon establishment of the company in 2010. For 14 years we have accumulated a portfolio of over 530 thousand debts. We offer individual solutions and different approaches in management of the acquired NPLs, whilst adhering to established best practices and high ethical norms.

Secured debts

In the beginning of 2017 we acquired the first secured portfolio on the Bulgarian market. Seven years later we continue to be active participants on the secured market, stimulating its development and offering our clients knowhow and professionalism.