Credit risk is already materializing in Europe with a rise in non-performing loans (NPL), according to the report of the European Banking Authority (EBA) for the first quarter of this year.
Most of the banks surveyed for the report still expect a deterioration in asset quality in the next 6 to 12 months, targeting real estate, small and medium-sized business and consumer loans.
According to the periodic edition EBA Risk Dashboard, European banks reported a NPL growth of 2.1% for the quarter and their share is now 1.86% of the total portfolio. In absolute value, it is a growth of EUR 7.6 billion, with the largest increase recorded by the segment of loans for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). For comparison – in March and December last year, 1.8% of all loans were overdue (see the chart).
Lending growth limits the increase in the NPL share. In absolute terms, however, overdue loans are already growing noticeably. Without change, at the level of 1.5%, only the overdue household mortgages still stay on the same share. All of the other sectors are increasing.
Unlike the rest of Europe, in Bulgaria the share of overdue bank loans continues to decrease and is already at the average European level. The decline in this indicator applies to all sectors.
Read more news here.
Ръстът на кредитирането ограничава повишението на дела на необслужваните заеми. В абсолютна стойност обаче проблемните кредити вече нарастват осезаемо. Без промяна, на ниво от 1.5%, остават само просрочените ипотечни заеми за домакинства. Всички останали се увеличават.
За разлика от останалата част на Европа, в България делът на лошите банкови заеми продължава да намалява и вече е колкото средноевропейското ниво. Спадът по този показател се отнася за всички сектори.